Miniature gelding
Birth year: 2018
Intake date: 12/16/2023
Paco was a surprise, the foal of an elderly mini jenny. For his first 7 months, Paco and his mother, Rosarita, were kept in a 15 x 10 open pen, 5 days a week, with no stimulation, and no shelter from the elements. On weekends they were allowed to roam freely in the desert wilderness. That is where Paco got his strong sense of adventure and free spirit. Paco was adopted and was immediately paired with another foal, Loki. These two worked as ambassadors/educators for the history museum representing the role of burros in Arizona's mining history. Paco and Loki were taught to go up and down stairs for exercise and could be seen joyfully running up and down any of Bisbee's famously steep "1,000" staircases at least 3 days a week. When the museum closed, Paco & Loki moved to Oregon and tried to adjust to two acres and a barn in Canyonville. But without any close neighbors or other animals nearby, they moped when it rained and after 2 years began to show signs of boredom and depression. When his owner had to give up her property, Paco and Loki were surrendered to ODS where they are getting used to the larger herd.

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